Getting your car serviced regularly is one of the most important car maintenance tips which a car owner simply cannot slack on. Regular servicing not only ensures that your car is working in its optimal condition but also keeps a check on the most important car parts which could cause damage if they are not working efficiently.
Important Points to Consider:
When you are taking your car for servicing at a garage, it is important to notice if your car mechanic is focusing these five important parts or not.
The Tires: One of the most important areas of a car, the tires can either save or take a life. The best car mechanic will pay extra attention to your tire and it’s pressure during regular servicing. Underinflating your tires can lead to dangerous accidents, whereas over inflating them can affect the fuel efficiency of your car. A good car mechanic will know exactly the right pressure and inflation that your car needs, to ensure the safety of you, your passengers and passer-by’s on the roads.
Brake Pad and Clutch Fluid: It’s not needful to tell you exactly how important the brake and clutch are in your car. If these two parts don’t work properly, it could lead to massive danger for you as well as others on the road. It is important to ensure that your brake and clutch fluid is maintained at a high level. In most cars, mechanics can check the brake and clutch fluid levels from the transparent level in the reservoirs itself.
However, the best car mechanic will recheck the brake and clutch fluid level by opening the reservoir cap and visually checking the fluid. Check that your car mechanic is topping up the brake and clutch fluid with genuine, new brake fluid of the appropriate grade only. Your mechanic should also check for leaks in the reservoir to ensure there is no wastage taking place.
Battery: A good car mechanic will check the battery and battery fluid levels of your car during servicing. The optimal level of the battery fluid should be maintained between 5 mm and 10 mm above the plates. Ensure that your car mechanic uses only clean, distilled water to top up the battery fluid if required. It is important that no one should carry an open flame or smokes during this process, as battery fluid is very explosive. The battery should be fixed properly in a tight and secure manner before your car servicing is over.
Air filter: If the oil in your car’s engine is its blood, then the air filter is your car’s lungs. The best car mechanic will check the air filters on your car during servicing. The fuel economy, as well as acceleration of your car, can be greatly affected if the air filters are clogged. After a normal period of time, it is obvious that the air filter of your car will be clogged and requires cleaning or even replacing.
Coolant: Just like you require an air conditioning system to keep you cool during the hot weather, your car needs to maintain a certain core temperature as well. This is the job of the coolant. The engine of your car is kept at a balanced level by the coolant. If this part isn’t functioning properly, your car could overheat, causing many issues such as reduce performance, excessive wear, and tear, or even cause your engine to seize!
The best mechanic will ensure that all these car parts are thoroughly checked to ensure the efficiency and safety of your vehicle.