The dental problem is common in many people, as they often face with tooth decay and cavities. The dentists mostly try to repair the damages by different kinds of dental treatments for their patients. The dentists may resort to tooth extraction only when no other dental treatment is found suitable for the patients. Some people need to extract most of their decayed or diseased teeth, after which the full dentures are best options for enabling the patients to lead their normal life even after losing their natural teeth. Now these dentures are created using the modern technology for making the patients feel more comfortable while wearing their dentures.
Facilities of wearing full dentures designed by the dentists
Maintain the ability to chew – When a person loses most of his natural teeth, it becomes almost impossible for him to live on normal diet as before. Then only the full dentures provided by his dentist allow him to eat all kinds of chewable fruits, vegetables, nuts and other healthy foods that are necessary for his wellbeing. These dentures are designed in the same style as the natural teeth and thus help the patient to cut, chew and grind his foods inside the mouth, as he used to do before the extraction of his teeth.
Provide more perfect look – The artificially created full dentures make the face of the patient look fuller, as these dentures occupy the empty spaces of the extracted teeth. These dentures provide adequate support to the jaws, lips and the facial muscles surrounding the mouth, just as their natural teeth. Moreover, the whitened and perfectly shaped dentures sometimes look much better than the original teeth, which might have been yellowish and badly shaped due to decay.
Ensure clarity while speaking – The gaps created in the mouth cavity due to extraction of teeth can make the patient very uncomfortable while speaking, as the syllables may not be pronounced clearly without the teeth. The use of the perfectly fitted full dentures helps the patient restore his original clarity in speech, which enables the listeners to understand his words clearly.
Gives permanent comfort – The dentures these days are created with soft and stable material, which makes the user perfectly comfortable while wearing these full dentures throughout the day. The patient gets easily adapted to the new dentures and there seems no chance of irritation inside the mouth cavity while wearing these dentures.
Increase the self confidence – The patients often feel very lowly after the extraction of their decayed teeth, this can only be addressed by the use of the full dentures. The confidence level of the patients is restored by the continuous use of these dentures, which look perfectly like their natural teeth. Thus, they can move around happily among others, without others realizing that they ever had any dental problem.
Long durability of dentures – It is believed that the dentures need to be replaced within a few years. However, it is found that the well-designed dentures can last for as many as ten years, or even more. Hence, the users do not need to worry about the expense of getting new dentures every now and then.
Earlier, the dentures moved a bit inside the mouth, causing discomfort, mainly while eating or speaking. However, the modern dentures fit perfectly and do not move a bit during any sort of oral activity. These dentures should be brushed regularly for cleaning all the stuck food particles and need to be immersed in a glass of water at nights, to maintain the softness of these dentures. Moreover, care should be taken not to drop the dentures on the floors or on any hard surface, to avoid breakage.