When the model and make of the car varies, it may need minor car services for running properly on the road. Cars may require common general services like changing of oil and oil filters. If the chassis is not sealed with factory, then lubricating of the chassis is required. Inspections are needed for fluids, hose, belts and brakes. Some manufacturers sometimes advise for rotation of tires and this may be treated as part of minor services.
What Are Meant by Minor Car Services?
Car services in general can be divided into two categories. One is minor car services and another is major car services. Minor services are generally required for running the cars up to 10-15 thousand kilometers, depending on the type of manufacturers. Major car services may be required for running of 30-45 thousand kilometers. However, the data depends totally on the manufacturers. Generally, minor car services hardly require 90 minutes. Minor car services are quick mode, of services and normally it is change of oil or oil filter with other categories of minor work.
What Are the Common Types of Minor Car Services?
There are some detailed of work, which can be categorized of minor car services as, described below:
Replacement of oil and oil filters
Inspection of hoses
Inspection of Belts
Checking of brake fluids and brake
Checking of air conditioning operations
Checking of top up fluid
Checking of cooling system
Checking of working of steering
Checking of working of battery
Checking of tires and lights
Checking of suspension
Checking of windscreen wipers
Checking of air and fuel filters
setting of plug gap
cleaning of air filter
checking of excessive oil leaks
Why Are Minor Car Services Important?
Due to the current economic conditions in the society, new car sales have gone down sharply. Statistical data from researches have revealed that most car accidents on the road are due to the non-maintenance of the cars and even many deaths occur due to the non-maintenance of the car. So, in the view of the above, the demands of minor car maintenance have increased appreciably. The above reasons are sufficient to show that necessity of minor car services is increasing proportionately. As the injuries or deaths are increasing due to low maintenance of the cars, the state government should take steps to check the vehicles regularly. The car owners should be careful to maintain their cars with proper minor car service to avoid accidents on the roads and to maintain the cars for longer life.
What Are the Agencies for Car Services?
In major cases, dealers maintain the cars for minor or major services. But, other agencies maintain the cars with proper services. The companies hold the facilities to book the services online. Some agencies adopt three level services for car services to maintain the quality of the service through tough phases. The services offered by the agencies are affordable and cheaper than the normal market rate. The service centers maintain a check list for all parts of the cars to be checked for purpose of proper maintenance. The check list is maintained to keep eyes on the cars, so that no part of the car is left out for checking. You should maintain your car properly with regular checking, so that you don’t have to face any unwanted situations on the road or accidents due to failure of any parts of your car. A good planning and decision is required to make sure that you get the right services.