What do you understand when you hear the term “river rocks”, and what do they signify to you? Yes, of course, you automatically wander off to those beautiful rivers in the countryside and the mountains when you hear that term. They are simply the rocks you find under or on the river beds. They are very smooth to the touch, all because of the weathering effects of moving water. These rocks find widespread use as decorative pieces.
How are River Rocks Categorized?
River rocks come in various shapes, sizes and colours. All these colours differ because of the type of rock that they are. The various types of rocks are sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic rocks. You will find igneous rocks in areas that are prone to volcanic action. Those rocks may be basalt or granite. Rocks that you find near the water or in the water are sedimentary rocks. They are dolomite, limestone and siltstone. And rocks specifically found on the river beds are marble and schist.
Some Common River Rocks
Some common river rocks that are to be found are granite, basalt, Jasper, shale, limestone, schist, agates, pink or white feldspar and clear quartz. These rocks that are found under the rivers are discovered because of the action of moving water. You will also get to petrified wood in the river or jutting out of river banks.
And these river rocks can get easily transported miles away because of their size. They get deposited in the shallow areas on the gravel bars. The smaller the size of the rocks, the more easily it gets transported. The sediment that accumulates in rivers is a solid material and mostly contains minerals, rocks and plant matter. These, you will find deposited in river deltas and at the bottom of waterfalls.

How to Find River Rocks?
You should know very well where to find the best river rocks. Gemstones and gem-bearing rocks are generally found many miles away from their source because they get carried away by the flowing waters. So, if you want such rocks, look on the gravel bars. They can also be found on the shallower pars.
But if you want river rocks for landscaping and decoration, you can also look at the river beds. You have to know the geography of the locality. You have to know what types of rocks are generally found there and in which river you will find what.
Usage of River Rocks
Since river rocks come in different shapes, sizes and colours, they add a touch of warmth and charm to your environment. They are generally used for decorating the outdoor of any home. They are used for landscaping. But they have numerous uses like:
Mimicking Water: You could get the moving water environment using river rocks.
Tiling: Because of the variety in their colours, you can use them to make tiles.
In Between Flowers: You can place various river rocks between flowers and prevent the soil from eroding. They add to the aesthetic appeal also.
For Driveways: As river rocks can help in better drainage, you can use them to pave your driveway. In that way, water will not percolate and damage your home.
You can use river rocks to decorate your space and beautify it. It helps to prevent soil erosion if you are living in a place with a higher altitude where there is a gradient.
Wrapping It Up with the Size Selection
River rocks come in many sizes and shapes. What size rocks you need depends entirely on your purpose. If you want to build a guard wall, you need boulder-sized rocks. If you just want to decorate your garden, you will need smaller-sized rocks. So, your purpose will tell you the size, type and colour also.