We have all dealt with an electrical power fault at some point in our life. Not only does it affect the daily schedule of the effected people but also causes massive troubles. An electrical power fault or power cut is when the electricity goes off for a short time and if you are unlucky enough, for a long time. Power cuts in the morning are still bearable but if you face a light out situation at night, it can become a hideous for you. It disrupts most of the daily activities and hampers household and official work. But do we even know why or how does a power cut happen? It is not that a person jokingly turns off the switch and an entire locality suffers in return. Electric power faults can occur due to various reasons some of which are mentioned here.
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It can be your own electric box
If you see that you are the only one facing an electrical power fault, then there is a 90% chance that it is the electric box in your home, which is encountering some sort of damage. It can be due to any fault, short circuit, overheating of the wire, or can be any reason that can damage your electric box and results in a power cut.
You can face an electrical power fault from the electrical supply house if you do not pay your electricity bill on time but the genuine reasons for a power cut can be due to various things. Not just households, industries, and companies also suffer if there is a power cut or any major electrical power fault in the area.
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